Friday, September 17, 2010

Well it's September already! Shawn is still with us. I (Chad) am still in school (but, hopefully, only for two more semesters) and Tiffany is still the best 2nd grade teacher in the world! Life is good at the Coleman place; we're painting the kitchen and so far it has really made a HUGE difference! It's really updated the house.
We still have a million rabbits, only 3 still live inside though. My dad and I built an outside pen for the other 99,999,997. Or 3, whatever. Yes we actually only have six. Still, that's a lot! They are super quiet and good pets though.
Our 5 year Anniversary is coming up on the 29th! Pretty excited about that. I know that we could both use a break from everything else and just spend time together. No money to do anything fancy but that doesn't mean it won't be fun.
Love you Tiff!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shawn and Life

This is our foster son Shawn. He has been with us since April. He is now in 6th grade. He loves to be outside and to play with friends. School is in session again. Chad is still attending Weber and hopefully only has 1 year left. He is majoring in Technical Writing. I'm teaching my 6th year at NDPA in Layton. It is pretty exhausting right now. Chad and I started a new exercise schedule and we are getting up at 5:30 to go walking. That's about the only time we get to spend with each other these days. We were together non-stop in the summer it was pretty cool. We just finished priming our kitchen and hope to paint this weekend. We added a bedroom door and made the livingroom our master bedroom.
We haven't had any snakes since March. I think chad patched up the hole and it is now snake free. But of course we now have ants which I can't seem to get rid of no matter what but at least it's not two foot snakes slithering around my house. No matter how bad it gets at least it's not snakes anymore.

Monday, May 24, 2010

New Additions!

We have a new foster child in our house! His name is Shawn and he has been a lot of fun. He is in Fifth grade and goes to Tiff's school; and he has a birthday coming up! Eleven years old, very exciting!
Also we got a surprise a couple of days ago, Jack had more babies! Four more to be exact. We had no idea she was even pregnant and then one day after work, there they were! So now we have to find enough room for a few more. Sadly, one of them died yesterday. But the others seem to be doing alright. All three are nice and fat and squirmy! Pictures to be posted soon!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

1 Week Older

Sorry about the poop in the pictures. A lot can happen in two days. I spoke a little too soon. Stripey died last week. He was the runt of the litter. I thought he was going to make it. The other three seem to be eating and are growing fur. I'm going to try to post a few more pictures and a funny video of their dad, Buck. WARNING: I'm not sure what the rating on the video would be but if you've got a sense of humor watch it. It's a little dark but you can still see what is happening.
STARRING: Buck Coleman and his Balloon

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

They're Here

After months of waiting the babies made their entrance on Jan 22, 2010. Jack had 4 beautiful babies. Mom and babies are all doing well. They were born naked but you could still see dark patches on some of them. On day 4 you could start to see their fur growing in. It looks like two of them are going to look like Jack a harlequin pattern and 2 tannish ones. We are really excited. We want to keep at least one of them. I'll need to find good homes for the rest of them. It will be really hard to decide which one to keep.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

January Already

So I don't think blogging is really my thing. It takes me months to post anything at all. So here all the updates short and sweet, just in case anyone actually reads this. Well we are settled in our new old home in West Bountiful. I finally got curtains in my bedroom. Who would've known that Walmart has a huge selction? Well for those of you who don't know a few months ago we found out that Jack was actually a girl. That's also why she kept fighting with every female we put in her cage. Go figure. Well so of course we had to go buy a real male. His name is Buck and so sweet. We tried to put Buck and Jack together again. It took Buck awhile to figure out which end to use but he finally got it right. So we hopefully will have baby bunnies soon. I keep watching and checking everyday. Jack keeps getting fatter and I think she is pregnant but it might just be wishful thinking. Julianne will be moving out on Jan. 20th. She is going to go try living with her mother. It will be really quiet around here and a little bit lonely. So hopefully the little bunnies come soon. I am turning into one of those old ladies who has pets for her children. I told Chad if we can't sell the babies. I'm keeping all of them. He was okay with that but I didn't mention I'm keeping them all inside. I think I need to remodel another room just for the bunnies. Jack and Buck are both potty trained. I love having bunnies in the house! Well that's all we have been up to besides work.